The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44342   Message #651861
Posted By: Janie
16-Feb-02 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: Family Keepsakes: What have YOU kept?
Subject: RE: Family Keepsakes: What have YOU kept?
I have several things of my grandparents that are very special, but the most special to me are my grandmother's silver and an old, cheap cut glass bowl in which she always served the cranberry relish.. The silver is plated and not expensive, but to a poor Kentucky farm girl it was precious indeed. She only used them for special and family holiday dinners, and now I do the same. When I lay the table for Thanksgiving or another special meal, I always feel like Papaw and Nannie are sitting there with us around the table. I have watermelon seeds that my grandfather got from some farmer on a trip through Arkansas that he had carefully labeled and dated but never got around to planting. Finally, when Nannie died, my aunt took the last remaining quilt she had done entirely by hand and had teddy bears made from it for all of the grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was the quilt that had been on their bed for so many years, that had kept them warm, that they had snuggled under. This bear is priceless to me.

Thanks for starting this thread.
