The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44337   Message #651934
Posted By: Kaleea
17-Feb-02 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: Irish music is simply about...
Subject: RE: Irish music is simply about...
According to the circuit preacher in my mother's hometown deep in the heart of the "Bible belt" (he was babtist) Irish music is all about sin, and if one plays or sings the music, one will be going to the saloon for the sole purpose of drinking, dancing & sinning. Therefore the preacher did not allow Irish music in any form whatsoever in the town, nor did he allow dancing at all whatsoever. Thus, when he removed the music & dancing, any other Irish traditions were tossed aside and long forgotten, so as to insure safe passage to heaven. My Grandad did, however, manage to play some jigs & reels on his harmonica, and once, when she was still in her early sixties, I remember Granny danced a jig for us as Grandad played on his harmonica. This was after the Methodist minister came to town!