The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44342   Message #652491
Posted By: Kaleea
18-Feb-02 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Family Keepsakes: What have YOU kept?
Subject: RE: Family Keepsakes: What have YOU kept?
I have in my posession a chest of drawers & vanity with mirror which were in my grandparents bedroom. I also have a desk which Granny used everyday, for letters, etc., & keeping the books for Grandads' Auto Salvage business. Tucked under the kneehole of the desk is a little footstool my Daddy made in shop class in the 8th grade, last grade he attended before running away to join the marines. I have a piece of "costume" jewlery, and an apron from Granny. From the other grandparents, I have Grandads' old harmonica which is so permeated with tobacco I can't stand the taste of it to play it. & I have a feather fan made of the entire wing of a large bird. The fan is for "ceremonial" use of Cherokee people. Grandad was Cherokee & Irish. The most important thing I have from ancestors is the book of stories which I proposed at a family reunion a couple of years back. All the living aunts & uncles wrote down their favorite family stories, as did some of the cousins. The story I wrote was the story Granny told me when I was 17, of the 2 years when she met Grandad, and saw him at church functions, and finally married him when she was 17. None of my aunts or uncles had ever heard Granny tell this. These stories are what I treasure above all the other things.