The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44379   Message #653535
Posted By: Mickey191
19-Feb-02 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: I think there's a song challenge here!!!
Subject: RE: BS: I think there's a song challenge here!!!
Kat, If I were brought up in Nepal I would have no qualms about that type of disposition. Just as some cultures use an ice floe or a pyre, it is an acceptable custom-but respect is paid. The Fido thing is applicable only to animals. I paid $150. for the cremation of my dog. She was to be cremated alone, and those are supposed to be her ashes in the urn. If I found out that the fellow was cremating several animals together, I'd be ticked off. But if I found that my husbands ashes were comingled with someone else, I'd be furious,hurt, devastated. If I found out that he was laying for 2 or 3 yrs. unattended to, because some Son-of-a-bitch was too lazy to do his job-I think I'd get a gun! Respect must be paid.