The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44342   Message #654053
Posted By: GUEST,bbc at work
20-Feb-02 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: Family Keepsakes: What have YOU kept?
Subject: RE: Family Keepsakes: What have YOU kept?
Jerry, I loved your song from the 1st time I heard you sing it! I have 2 things from my mom's folks in Missouri that are precious to me. The 1st is the square cast-iron skillet that Grandpa & Grandma used each morning to cook their bacon & eggs. The skillet was divided in half--1 side for bacon & the other side in half again to hold 2 square fried eggs. As a child, I just loved that concept of square fried eggs! I don't tend to use the skillet (low-fat diet & all), but I keep it where I can see it & be reminded.

The second things is Grandma's serving dishes. Some are just inexpensive china & some are cut glass. Any time we ate there, Grandma served 2 or 3 vegetables in those dishes. Now, I've realized it was probably because vegetables were cheaper than some other foods. At home, we usually just had 1 veggie at a time, so it seemed quite special to me. I always use Grandma's dishes for our holiday meals. I remember happy family times & recount them to my kids.

The most important things I have from my folks are their values & their faith. Those are deep within me--more precious than any material goods--& are things I can share & pass on.

Thanks, Jerry!

