The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44487   Message #654934
Posted By: The Pooka
21-Feb-02 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: Welcome Hobbitwoman
Subject: RE: Welcome Hobbitwoman
Hobbitwoman of the Welcomes, pay no attention to the following little affray. Entirely atypical here.

Why, Leprechaun, you miserly mythraicockle little trickster, you. Tom Clancy the "author" never *could* sing. Well not *my* tune anyway. Tom Clancy the Brother, RIP, could sing OK. Him gone, it *isn't* so grand, boys. Could act on stage prettygood too. But you, oul' pottygold, refer so cavalierly (ya black knight) to Liam Clancy the Living - contrary to his broadcast obituary coupla years back - who has been called 'the world's greatest ballad singer' by None Other than Bob Zimmerydylanman, hisself. (Whose own voice has, um, evolved with the passing years as well.) Now I know you said "Nowadays", ye Lepre. But I heard Liam last year & he was awright. OK not real loud; but awright. Still Himself. He's got a couple March concerts with Robbie O'Connell. Part of his Book Tour. Youth will in time decay. Beauty must fade away. Hair, too. So call me a Loyalist but Liam Clancy can still sing, sez I. May yer hens never lay, may yer horse never neigh, may yer goat fly away like an ould paper kite. With all due respect of course.