The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44453   Message #654998
Posted By: GUEST,jonnylately
21-Feb-02 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: Shanty background: Portland's Tunnels
Subject: RE: Shanty background: Portland's Tunnels
Shanghied in Astoria, mentioned above, is a comedy in the broadest sense. You can throw popcorn and boo and hiss at the crimp and his stoodge Snake, er , Sneak. My girlfriends daughter played the part of a oh so happy hooker in its annual production last year. The piano and tenor banjo add a vaudeville atmosphere to the production, and it is worth the drive to the coast. The tunnels underneath Astoria had to be boarded up because burglars and drug shooters were using the tunnels as hideouts.