The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44532 Message #655039
Posted By: Janice in NJ
21-Feb-02 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
Subject: RE: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
Joan's ex-husband's name was and still is David Harris. I had met both of them in early 1968, after David had refused induction into the army but before he went to prison. For whatever else you say, David showed courage. He didn't hide behind a perpetual student deferment. He didn't fake mental illness, claim to be gay when he wasn't, or flee to Canada. He simly stood up and said "This war is wrong, and I'm not going to cooperate with it." Joan supported him all the way, and I believe she did so with all the best of intentions. But during their separation , during which time their son Gabriel was born, they grew apart. In the end, neither blamed the other, at least not in public. That's a lot more than can be said for most celebrity couples who get divorced.