The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9870   Message #65504
Posted By: Puma N.
23-Mar-99 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Dewy Dens of Yarrow
Subject: Lyr Add: THE DEWY DENS OF YARROW (from Max Hunter)
Thank you.

This is the version Max Hunter (jokingly referred to as Maxern Huntern by my family because of the 'n' added occasionally to words) sings. The story lines are somewhat different there is certainly a connection.


There were five sons and two were twins
There were five sons of Yarrow
They all did fightn for their own true loven
In the dewy dens of Yarrow

Oh mother dear I hadn a dream
A dream of grief and sorrow
I dreamed I was gathering heather blooms
In the dewy dens of Yarrow

Oh daughter dear I readn your dream
Your dream of grief and sorrow
Your love, your love is lying slain
In the dewy dens of Yarrow

She sought him up and she sought him down
She sought him all through Yarrow
And then she found him lying slain
In the dewy dens of Yarrow

She washed his face and she combed his hair
She combed it neat and narrow
And then she washed that bloody bloody wound
That he got in the Yarrow

Her hair it was three quarters long
The color it was yello
She wound it round his waist so small
And took him home from Yarrow

Oh Mother dear go maken my bedn
Go make it neat and narrow
My love my love he diedn for me
I'll die for him to-morrow

Oh daughter dear don't be so grieved
So grieved with grief and sorrow
I'll wedn you to a better one
Than you lost in the Yarrow

She dressed herself in clean white clothes
And away to the waters of Yarrow
And there she laid her own self down
And died on the banks of the Yarrow

The wine that runs through the water deepn
Comes from the sons of Yarrow
They all did fightn for their own true loven
In the dewy dens of Yarrow
