The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44532   Message #655055
Posted By: ddw
21-Feb-02 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
Subject: RE: Is Joan Baez a fraud?

Jeez, Janice —— do you sleep with your AK-47?

The original poster asked a question which, in one way or another, I've heard asked many times before about all sorts of performers who do something that requires interpreting material from another time or place —— which any folk musician is likely to do.

As for my "implication" that JB was callous or David Harris was a jerk. That was not an "implication," it was a question. Is she that callous? Was he a jerk? I don't know and I'd bet quite a bit you don't either. Your defence seems predicated on the fact she made some political statements you agree with. Not, in my opinion, the best basis for getting on your high horse and flaming one and all.
