The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44492   Message #655387
Posted By: Peter T.
22-Feb-02 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
I am really sorry to hear about Sister Smile. It was the first record album (!) my sister ever bought, and it was only twenty years later while researching the history of the Albigensian Crusade that I realised that "Dominique" was about this disgusting episode in church history, including the mass murder of thousands of people (quick, hands up, how many mass murder songs do you know that made the top 40) -- "Dominique, notre pere, combattit les Albigeiois!". It is a pity that Sister Sourire didn't know Darlene of the Mickey Mouse club, they could have discussed tax evasion together.

Speaking of ex-stars, can anything be done to stop Paul McCartney from singing his dreadful song all across America (And who knows, the entire "free world"?). I am ready to start a petition drive.....

yours, Peter T.