The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44492   Message #655457
Posted By: M.Ted
22-Feb-02 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
I'd always heard that Jaques Galoshes was actually Jack Galaciuski, a defrocked Christian Brother, whose saucy cover version of "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" cause him to be dismissed from his post at the Bishop Manly Academy for Surprisingly Mature Children--

He aparently awarded the French Medal of Honor after publishing his "Poems without the Letter O" (A condition of his probation)-- His initial success was accidental--a French radio engineer broadcast "Rock a Hula" underneath one of his readings, and he was immediately dubbed "The Next Johnny Halliday"-- only then did he move to St. Cuspidor, a move suggested by his haircut--