The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44492   Message #655648
Posted By: Rick Fielding
22-Feb-02 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
Subject: RE: Where do the EX-folk stars play?
Since we're talking about (well I was anyway) guitar playing clergy, don't forget Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and his Goya (or should that be Goyem) guitar.......NO, NO, I'm NOT kidding this time, there really WAS a singing Rabbi named Shlomo!

Justa, now you've got me thinkin', what would Barry McGuire's (Eve of Destruction) guitar go for.....or how 'bout the guy who sang "Dawn of Correction".....or better still...Stuffed Sgt. Sadly Battered of "Green Berets" fame.

Or don't forget that unbelievably awful episode of "Twilight Zone", where they had this obnoxious 'folk singer' (maybe played by Gary Crosby...Catspaw, help) who "steals" a terrible "folksong" from a mountain girl...and gets murdered by her brothers (just like in the song). I'm STILL not making this up.

Or the ultimate D-28 Holy Grail....the one Andy Griffith would pull out every time his girlfriend wanted sex...."yup, that put her ta sleep reeeeal good.......Barneyyyy!"
