The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44599   Message #656329
Posted By: InOBU
23-Feb-02 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: how to make a turban?
Subject: RE: how to make a turban?
FROM DOWNTOWN NEW YORK!!! Since I (a New Yorker) didn't get the joke, I have the flu and feel like I have a towel wrapped around my head, well, here is an invitation, Rollo, go to the why U don't want a Sork Dork CD, and enter to win a FREE CD! From downtown NYC! - As my family decends in one line from Rollo, Eric the Red's brother, you have a good chance, due to the usual degree of patronage in these things, of wining a Sorcha Dorcha CD!
Cheers, Larry