The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9875   Message #65742
Posted By: Sandy Paton
24-Mar-99 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Duna ^^^
Subject: Lyr Add: Duna^^
Here's the way Gordon Bok sang "Duna" on his first Folk-Legacy recording:


When I was a little lad
With folly on my lips,
Fain was I for journeying
All the seas in ships.
But I'm weary of the sea wind,
I'm weary of the foam,
And the little stars of Duna
Call me home.

When I was a young man,
Before my beard was grey,
All to seas and islands*
I gave my heart away.
But now, across the southern swell,
Every dawn I hear
The little streams of Duna
Running clear.

*(I remember my father singing "sailormen" instead of "islands.")

I may have been mistaken about Gordon's source for the song. He reminds us that it was a poem by John Masefield (who also wrote "Sea Fever" and many others) and that he was introduced to Masefield's poems by a cook on the Alice Wentworth. He doesn't mention his family singing the song at all.


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