The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19112   Message #658670
Posted By: little john cameron
26-Feb-02 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Aunt Martha's Sheep (Newfoundland)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Aunt Marthas Sheep - Newfoundland
It was a dark and stormy night,i was in a boozin session wi' the aforementioned Dick Nolan.Times were a bit hard for the bold Dick at the time an' he wis tryin tae raise a few shekels.Ah wis admirin a stuffed fox or some kind o' animal that he had oan the mantlepiece."How much will ye gie me for it?he asked.Noo,ah wis thinkin mibbe he wid gie me it for nothin as ah didnae like it that much that ah wid buy it.
So anyway,needless tae say a deal wisnae struck.A few days later ah wis aff tae Toronto for a recordin session,so ah never heard how he wis daein for a week or so.Ane nicht the wife phones me an' says "Did ye hear aboot Dick?""Dinnae tell me he's deid"says me.
"Naw,he's got a million sellin record"Weel, ye can imagine the surprise ah got.Ane meenit he's starvin an' the next he at the tap o' the heap.
Jist gaes tae show it is a fickle business. ljc