The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44731   Message #658862
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-Feb-02 - 06:40 AM
Thread Name: Dover edition of Child on eBay
Subject: RE: Dover edition of Child on eBay
Well, I looked for bargain prices for the Dover Child for a long time, and came up with nothing. Sandy led me to the five-volume set for $100 from a bookstore in Maine a couple years ago, and I'm glad I have 'em (even though I did find one volume for two bucks while I was waiting for the set to arrive in the mail).

Mark Heiman's Loomis House Press (click) has issued the first volume (Ballads 1-53) of their reissue of Child. The price is fairly reasonable, $24.95 for paperback and $34.95 for hardcover. Mark did the programming for the Mac version Windows beta version of the Digital Tradition.

-Joe Offer-