The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44739   Message #658863
27-Feb-02 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Help: Ever go to the Welcome Inn, Rusholme Mcr
Subject: Ever go to the Welcome Inn, Rusholme Mcr
I came across some references to the Welcome Inn, in Rusholme, Manchester. In a thread dating back 18 months or more, so thaought I'd start a new, more specific thread on the subject. The Welcome's back room, used to host a magic little Tuesday night singaround, and I'm trying to trace some of those who went in there in the mid-late 70's. I was a student in Manchester from 1973/4 till around 1977/8 . I lived in Rusholme & W. Didsbury and I started out doing some unaccompanied singing at the Welcome Inn in Rusholme. Over those years it became a regular haunt, and only the other day, when sorting through some old tapes came across a recording of a news interview, in which I was 'spokesman' for the commitee which forced the city council to re-consider its demolishion order, folloeing a campaign by some locals and the singaround regulars when the place was going through 'social cleansing' or a 'programme of housing renewal'. I also remember the poet, Paul Conner, and was delighted to hear he was still around at the time of the previous thread's begining. I think I remember a Bryn, which the thread also mentioned as an occasional at the Welcome's Tuesday sessions. I also knew a fair few in the Manchester scene, including, the original song carriers club. But its, like 25 years, and I now I can't remember the names without prompting. I havent seen, nor been in touch with anyone since I left Manchester until recently that is, when I googled around with the few names and places I remembered. I'v since found this forum which is shows promise of relevance. I have managed to get in touch with someone else from my Manchester of the 70's , a Song Carrier & Welcome Inn regular, 'Rowdy' Yates. he ran the Lifeline drop in centre in town. Anyone else remember anyone else? If this forum is not suitable, then I apologise in advance. If I get lots of answers, interest, then I'll be happy to take it all elsewhere, maybe start a Yahoo Group or whatever. All ideas Welcome ... so to speak!

Taff a.k.a. Gareth Roberts (Contact me privately at garethlroberts(at) The (at) is to stop those pesky varmints they'n callin Spammers!.