The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44742   Message #659057
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
27-Feb-02 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opinions wanted re: music project
Subject: RE: BS: Opinions wanted re: music project
You'll probably be expecting me to say:

Unless you provide the source information for each example, you risk creating great confusion and giving people the impression that they're all interchangeable; bear in mind, too, that some of the tunes in Bronson came from people still living and were included by permission.  In many cases, there are a number of quite different tune groups associated with different versions of a song; posting tunes without making this clear would be confusing at best.  I'm not sure that tunes really ought to be given without their full associated texts, where those are available.

I assume you're talking about the "condensed" version? The full set has, for example, 141 tune variants, by no means all related, for Child #4 alone (and additional material in the Addenda)...