The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44742   Message #659072
Posted By: MMario
27-Feb-02 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opinions wanted re: music project
Subject: RE: BS: Opinions wanted re: music project
Malcolm I figured on using the same rule of thumb as for other copyrights; (pre 1923, isn't it?) and linking text with the tune - but not actually setting the text of all lyrics to the tune. The source information should be okay to include, those are simple facts. Putting in the comentary of course runs into copyright problems. I suppose each tune could be tagged with something such as "Bronson catorgorizes this as part of "Group B" of the American sub-group of child 105A"

I only have access so far to the condensed one volume version. I am willing (and stupid enough) to do the whole shot but don't have access to them.

This obviously isn't something that will happen overnight - I find that even if I have the time I can't manage more then four or five tunes at a stretch.

And it's something I will probably do anyway - but if more people are interested I'll work at it more consistantly and will look into possibly getting it webbed.