The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43992   Message #660422
Posted By: Escamillo
28-Feb-02 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still alive in Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Still alive in Argentina
That's correct, Ard, probably Mr. Kissinger is who does not have friends. It is confirmed that our representatives and senators neither have friends. What is extremely painful is that ordinary people always pay, in the US, in Europe, in Latin countries, everywhere, because of the absolute freedom that the large corporations have been given. Could you have ever imagined that one day your bank would tell you "sorry, Sir, your savings are not available, you will receive only half of them, in programmed installements starting at the end of the next year. Reasons ? Well, the money is just not available, and your government and the IMF have authorized us to do this because otherwise we would have to close, you see? And that would be sooo bad for you"

I would understand an economic war, a conflict of terrorism and political expansionism or even an invasion, but this is plain robbery within the rules and the principles of international and local capitalism. Or a new, unexpected form of capitalism ? And all national and foreign banks are involved, including CitiBank, Bank of Boston, Bank of America, Hispano Santander, Bilbao Vizcaya, Nationale de Paris, Nazionale dil Lavoro, as well as Argentina National Bank, Province banks and private local groups. However, we don't blame the US or Europe as nations, and not even our nation, this is only the unbeleivable weakness of the internationalized globalized system which allows and supports this class of immorality.

We only hope that the Argentina disaster helps to awake minds all over the world and make us reconsider what kind of monster are we feeding. Sorry, I'm talking too much about this, let's go back to music which is something we understand and enjoy.:)

Un abrazo as always - Andrés