The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9915   Message #66045
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
26-Mar-99 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Are we serious about a Best of Mudcat book?
Subject: RE: Are we serious about a Best of Mudcat book?
Last night I wrote a message listing a few threads might be of interest to you, Kat, but I must have punched Clear Entries rather than Submit Message (I do that occasionally). Anyway, I said I was going to refresh some threads I thought you might find interesting--and did refresh the two that were still on my tracer, "Where is Spancil Hill?" and "Has anyone the courage now?" I also mentioned a couple or three others from last summer when I was a newbie here as interesting: one on the current Irish troubles, one on copyrights, and one on Bob Dylan's rumored illness--all three of them ventured into the contentious, even caustic, from time to time, and the last two became particularly unpleasant. I don't remember the exact titles of these--and I never have success refreshing threads unless I have them on my tracer (I can't even refresh my own postings which some people have written about doing), Anyway, I hope I have been of some help--and as for audience, the number of people who log onto Mudcat and exclaim what a wonderful place it is, I think, is indicative of a vast number of people who would enjoy reading a book. BTW, did you ever find the previous Mudcat Book thread. It was pretty funny. --seed