The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44532   Message #660587
Posted By: Lucius
01-Mar-02 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
Subject: RE: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
I'm glad you checked back in Johnnythebone. I for one didn't see any vindictiveness in your posting, and I'm surprised at the vitriol that you have whipped up.

I like what Joan Baez has stood for, but I'd rather not listen to her sing. Then again I love Peter Shickle, but it was a sad day when he orchestrated music for one of her albums (IMHO).

Being a fraud? Performers, like the rest of us, have always walked a line between their conscience and their market. Look what they did to Socrates.

Just being on stage leaves one open to criticism, just like posting onto a message board.