The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44676   Message #661278
Posted By: Peg
02-Mar-02 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: I'm going to Scotland!
Sorry, but I agree; that snippet from your group's literature does indeed make it sound like you have your work cut out for you and the ultimate goal is to start "a thriving Crusade ministry" so it does sound like you will do what needs to be done to make that happen; that is a lot different than "talking to people and seeing what's going on." Just offering my interpretation of that quotation. If what you want is to "best serve the campus" perhaps the best way is to allow people to find their own path to Spiritual fulfillment...? Just a thought.

I like being a witch; we have no need to proselytize and are still the fastest-growing religion in the United States! ;)

Seriously, Rebecca, I hope you enjoy your trip. Maybe the old gods of the Scottish landscape will speak to you, once you arrive. Do be sure to rent a copy of "The Wicker Man" and watch it before you go...
