The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117   Message #661706
Posted By: Bob Bolton
03-Mar-02 - 02:45 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Herald of Free Enterprise (Robb Johnson)
Subject: RE: Herald of Free Enterprise - lyrics wanted
Er ... G'day,

I'm glad you revived this thread after I set off on my holiday to Tasmania this February ... sailing the Bass Strait, both ways, on the "Spirit of Tasmania" ... a sister ship to the "Herald of Free Enterprise".

A mechanical problem on my Sydney - Melbourne leg meant that I sailed one trip later - with the car held up on "stand-by" until the last minute. I parked just inside the stern loading ramps ... and made damned sure they locked and sealed them! ("Charley Noble" suggests this may have robbed him of the chance to write a great new maritime disaster song ... but No Thanks!


Bob Bolton