The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44763   Message #662176
Posted By: GUEST,Jackie
03-Mar-02 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: Ulster Scots Music ?
Subject: RE: Ulster Scots Music ?
I had always been led to believe that pipe band music was Highland in origin and therefore Gaelic, not Scots.
is it not true that after Culloden the Highland dress-kilts and plaids - as well as the playing of the bagpipes, was proscribed under pain of death by the English and the Lowlanders. If my teachers were correct, only one Highland clan aquiesced in this ethnic cleansing, namely the Campbells who have been cursed in Gaelic circles ever since.
It would seem to me, therfore, that all these claims of the so-called Ulster Scots are based on very dubious grounds indeed.
I think that they need to sit down with some reputable scholars and find out who they really are. Place not your confidence in politicians. Jackie