The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44947 Message #662737
Posted By: little john cameron
04-Mar-02 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Y'all are gonna hate me, but.....
Subject: RE: BS: Y'all are gonna hate me, but.....
Jings Des,ye're a richt sadist!! When ah wis livin back hame we had a fellah wha will remain nameless that that sang?? Elvis stuff.He wis that bad that people came fae aw ower tae hear him.A few years ago there wis a big celebration in the toon hall for his 25yrs in "Showbiz".The place wis mobbed.Ah mind ane time he ran alang the stage an' slid oan his knees as the finale.They had tae cairry him aff as his knees were were fu' o splinters.He telt mah pal,big Eain"If ye teach me how tae play the guitar ,ah'll teach ye how tae sing" Nevertheless,take the money whitever wie ye can get it.ljc