The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44967   Message #662899
Posted By: DonMeixner
04-Mar-02 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: Thumbpick help
Subject: RE: Thumbpick help
I'm an old National heavy as hell thumb pick fan. I also trim them down a bit too. I use finger picks. The National or Dunlop .025's with the ends more conformed to my finger tip and then the tip of the pick is bent over and slightly outward to create sort of a nail.

Works for me.

I like every thing to be as close to the working surface of my fingers as possible. Using a shovel of a thumb pick puts everything away from the strings and kills the theory of economy of motion. Hence, pickers elbow. The lite weight Ernie Ball picks are great except for the small problem of not staying tight to the thumb. Gimme that heavy National anytime.
