The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44967   Message #662980
Posted By: Genie
05-Mar-02 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: Thumbpick help
Subject: RE: Thumbpick help
Paul, I personally prefer Herco picks. Even their "heavy" pick is really pretty light. They are nylon and quite flexible. They are really like a flatpick that can attach to your thumb, and the picking part does not stick out nearly as far from your thumb as many thumpicks do. I think you can 'un-stretch' them in hot water in the microwave, too.

If you're backpicking a lot, the Herco picks tend to be a little too lightweight, but, then, since it can double as a flat pick, sometimes that solves the problem.

I've known of people using fake nails for picking, but I understand that having fake nails glued on weakens your own fingernails and contributes to nail disease (e.g., fungus).
