The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44967   Message #662986
Posted By: GUEST,
05-Mar-02 - 01:56 AM
Thread Name: Thumbpick help
Subject: RE: Thumbpick help

If you can get hold of Dobro (I think) thumbpick, it is clear seethrough plstic with a sharp pointed tip, sounds great how it feels will vary. I find the little ones just kill my thumb because they are so tight but if somone has a big one they fell good and sound great.Don't hold your breath, everyone alway syas they just soldthe last one this morning. Now withou fingerpicks it just might be overkill,I too have broken a thumbnail and needed something for a six string or banjo (I use picks exclusivly ona 12lve)and I get a small little National thumbpick. Get 5 or 10, then if is two small just pull the God Damed thing slowly looser for about 5 to ten minutes if it breaks try again. Hot water I think is suppose to shrink um? Practice because it is just a differnt feeling, like driving a car from the other side or something like that. Good luck and make some Jello
