The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44966   Message #663151
Posted By: Micca
05-Mar-02 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: non-music: Good news
Subject: RE: Good news
Kendall, You Jammy bastard!!! I will not wish you "luck" cos' I believe that what you give you get back 3 fold, and you have done much in cheering up many, and now it is your turn so enjoy, I will be thinking about you on Wednesday, and offering what support etc, that I can.

As For "Our" Kath, I liked you a lot when I met you, and if I had known that you did miracles, I would have hugged you tighter!!! You are one of the Nicest, and most memorable people I met at the Royal Mile, and I too thank you most sincerly for your efforts on behalf of the Cap'n, Micca