The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44980   Message #663247
Posted By: Mrrzy
05-Mar-02 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: After Pearl's murder: I Am A Jew
Subject: RE: After Pearl's murder: I Am A Jew
O for crying out loud all over again. You can't be PROUD of an accident of birth! You can be GLAD, yes, but pride should be reserved for actual achievements. The author was a Jew long before Pearl was killed. Yes it was horrible, but it didn't make her one little bit more Jewish than she already was. I do not accept excuses based on bigotry against any group, but that feeling doesn't make me a member of any of those groups to which I don't already belong.

Or is the point that while it used to be racist to use the term Jew, it oughtn't to be any more?