The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44980   Message #663262
Posted By: DougR
05-Mar-02 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: After Pearl's murder: I Am A Jew
Subject: RE: After Pearl's murder: I Am A Jew
Bobert: were I in an argumentive mood (which I am not at the moment)I would argue with you. Your statement the "only way to achieve peace is to promote and live it. It won't come from the barrel of a gun. Never has, never will, PERIOD," is ridiculous, in my opinion. How do you think peace was achieved in 1946? It took a war to defeat Nazi Germany, and Japan, before there could be peace. If there had been no war, you would be speaking German or Japanese now instead of English probably.

Get real, Bobert. But then I'm in no mood to argue.
