The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44994   Message #663575
Posted By: WyoWoman
06-Mar-02 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Upstate New York, Early September???
Subject: RE: BS: Upstate New York, Early September???
That would be great. Let's definitely stay in touch and see if we can get together a gathering of the tribes.

And Don, I am so embarrassed. You have to realize that to me, anything east of the Mississippi River and north of Tennessee is Yankee territory and it's all pretty much an indistinguished geographic mass, marked by way too many trees, cars and people.

Mick -- wha'dya mean STAY for the FSGW. Isn't it in Octoer? I'll plan on being back for that, you betcha. In fact, one of my best singing pals in the world is considering bringing one of her best singing pals in the world and coming along with me. So you may be getting three frabjous chick singers for the price of ... well, three ...
