The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45010   Message #664021
Posted By: Lepus Rex
07-Mar-02 - 12:47 AM
Thread Name: Worst of All Possible Covers?
Subject: RE: BS: Worst of All Possible Covers???
Awww, JenEllen, I LOVE Shonen Knife's cover of "Daydream Believer." Almost as much as I love their version of the Carpenter's "Top Of The World." :) Broke my toe on my way home from a Shonen Knife show years ago. Ah, the memories...

So... I usually like covers, even bad ones. But, the worst REAL cover I've heard: Well, it wasn't funny or anything, but I just HATE Metallica's cover of Nick Cave's "Loverman." And not only because it turned lots of bonehead Metallica fans on to Nick Cave, either. :)

Worst FAKE cover: A young Brenda Lee singing Motörhead's "Love Me Like A Reptile."

---Lepus Rex