The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44966   Message #664115
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
07-Mar-02 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: non-music: Good news
Subject: RE: Good news
I met Kendall and Kathy at 11:30 AM and treated them to lunch at the Johns Hopkins Hospital cafeteria (I'm the last of the big spenders). Kendall seemed in pretty good spirits. Certainly his sharp humor was still in place. I enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time with both of them.

Kathy said she or Kendall would post when they returned to her house. She also mentioned that her computer is a dinosaur that does not always cooperate. I was hoping to catch the news this AM on the Mudcat. Maybe we will hear from them after Kathy gets to work. Kendall's return flight to Maine was open-ended, so they may go to the airport first thing this morning.

Roger in Baltimore