The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44980   Message #664245
Posted By: Bobert
07-Mar-02 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: After Pearl's murder: I Am A Jew
Subject: RE: After Pearl's murder: I Am A Jew
Okay, DougR, tell us about the American/Canadian War. There seems to be 3000 miles of agreed upon border which was negoitiated civilly. You are mistaken when you imply that all conflicts are solved by armed conflict. There will be no "answer" in the "Isreali/Palestinian question", which it isn't. It is a war and there will be two losers. Sure Isreal will kill a lot more Plaestinians because they are better armed, thanks to the US, but will they be any more secure? No. They are just breading a new crop of folks who feel put upon, hopeless, helpless and powerless. And we, the US, are doing less toward trying promote peace in the Middle East than we did unde that last 4 administrations, going back to Jimmy Carter. And we're not doing anything to promote peace in the Kasmire/Pakistani/India conflict, either. This administration is Hell Bent on a World War, is drawing up plans as I write this, and will call anyone a traitor who questions them. Sound familiar?