The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45003   Message #664282
Posted By: Chip2447
07-Mar-02 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Tracy die?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Tracy die?
Callie, I'm not perfect by any stretch of the word, but I have never killed anyone. Also I'm willing to accept responisibility and the consequences for my actions.

Kat said....

"The answers do not lie in killing each other. BUT, in a feudal society, which we still live in, it has always been the privilege of the "king" to do as he will with his subjects, including leading and gaining the cooperation of the majority through fear, intimidation, and disinformation much as Bush is doing right now"

Would this be be different from leading and gaining the cooperation of the majority through lies, deceit and scandal much as the previous administration did?

I've stated my opinion knowing full well that it tends to run contrary to most of the mudcat community. Now, I'm done...I'm not likely to change anyone's mind on this, nor or you likely to change mine.