The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43992   Message #664353
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Mar-02 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still alive in Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Still alive in Argentina
Over the past 15 years I have watched as banks in Canada:

1. Make bigger and bigger annual profits.

2. Levy more and more service charges on their customers.

3. Penalize people with smaller accounts in a great variety of ways, and give perks to people with bigger accounts.

4. Merge into larger and fewer banks, thus increasing their profits and worsening their service to the public.

5. Lay off more and more staff and replace them with automated machines that you can't talk to or reason with or get any useful response from.

6. Make loans to huge businesses and turn away the individual and the small businessman.

7. Create vast amounts of spurious and completely imaginary dollars (far more than any national government is presently creating) through those loans...and get rich essentially off money which does not really exist...and never will...except on a computer screen.

This has happened because greedy and utterly irresponsible governments have allowed it to happen, and it's totally out of control. Expect more societies to pay for it very, very soon.

It looks like it's time to go back to REAL money to and silver coins, horses, long as it's real. We have all been robbed blind.

- LH