The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45003   Message #664616
Posted By: Bobert
07-Mar-02 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Tracy die?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Tracy die?
This really isn't about written law but about the moral fabric of the US society. We tend to be in such a hurry that we take shortcuts. Capital punishment is one of those shortcuts. Rather than deal with the real issues we just punish, punish and punish. Heck, its quicker, cheaper and less threatening to the "system" than looking at the reality that we have created a peasant class of folks who live in poverty in a society that flaunts so much wealth. This post isn't about excusing behavior but rather explaining it. Until the ruling class is made uncomfortable, nothing will change. It's their country. They own it pretty much by birthrite and they plan on keeping what they have rationalized belongs to them. And the saddest part about it is they have so many folks duped into identifying with one of the two major parties, which are more like rival fraternaties. Neither party is on record of respecting, without reservation, ones right to happiness (thru opportunity) or the sanctity of life. Until we as a nation stand FIRM on sanctity of life and the pursuit of happiness thru opportunity, we will continue the current cycle of crime, incarceration and violence. Ending capital punishment would represent a good step toward becoming a more civilized society... Peace. Bobert