The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45021   Message #664820
Posted By: Chip2447
07-Mar-02 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern-at-Sea
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern-at-Sea
Alright youse ole salts, who are we gonna volunteer for mail buoy watch. avast ye polywogs I'll be needing some chow line to trice up the hammocks.
S'cuse me but I need to find some lard for me belly. We've got a line crossing coming up, and since I havent heard anyone of the trusty shellbacks chime in, I'll volunteer to become Neptunius Rex, that is if my belly aint too big.
Chip2447 Trusty Shellback since 1981.

MMario, after some recent testing...the tune is sorta, kinda, almost like Bonnie George Campbell, but different. I know, that really helps doesnt it...