The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45021   Message #664870
Posted By: Amos
08-Mar-02 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern-at-Sea
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern-at-Sea
God spare me such a lollygag lot!!

Yo!! Idler,t here!! Heave that man back aboard and smartly, too!! Only bloody deckape aboard with any brains -- at least he tied himself on!!! LOL..

Heave away, haul away,
we ain't got loooong to saty here.....

That's the ticket. Say, Cookie, pop up with a shot o' brandy for the poor wet feller, wouldja??? And a spare blanker if you've got one!!

All right, Lonseome me lad, no more worries!! Just you get dry and we'll see you at the focs'le head, eh?