The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45062   Message #664931
Posted By: MikeofNorthumbria
08-Mar-02 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
Subject: RE: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
Hey, this is seriously weird stuff - but if it works, don't knock it. After all, what's weirder than quantum theory? And that works (if it didn't, the computers that allow us to exchange information like this couldn't be built.)

And another thought - the best people to test for this predictive ability might be musicians (particularly those who jam and improvise a lot). I'm thinking of those amazing/infuriating people you sometimes encounter in sessions, who can foresee (forehear?) what's going to happen next and go along with it, even when there doesn't seem to be enough data available for us mere mortals to make a 'rational' prediction.

Anyone else noticed this phenomenon in a jam session?
