The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45021   Message #665682
Posted By: Charley Noble
09-Mar-02 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern-at-Sea
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern-at-Sea
Gareth - I think you'll find it was JON Campbell who wrote that fine contemporary shanty "TANQUERAY MARTINIS, OH." We have our own version of this ditty which we sing in Maine, only the names are changed to implicate the relevant parties:

Tanqueray Martini-O
(Words & Music by Jon Campbell © Adapted for Maine by Charlie Ipcar - 1992 As Sung by Roll & Go)

As we set sail from Portland Town,
With a fleet of CrisCrafts all around,
From up on deck a call came down
Tanqueray Martini-o!

'Tis all the captains and the crew
Must have the drink you can look right through,
And 'tis really nothing else will do
Tanqueray Martini-o!


'Tis haul the sheets back with one hand,
Set your drink down if you can,
And we never sail out of sight of land
Tanqueray Martini-o!

At Bailey's Island we put in,
Being nearly out of gin,
To continue on would've been a sin
Tanqueray Martini-o!

The captain's laid out on the floor,
Being elected to get some more,
But he's broke his leg tryin' to get on shore
Tanqueray Martini-o!(CHO)

'Tis nine parts gin to one Vermouth,
'Tis a yachtsman's friend and that's the truth,
From Casco Bay to the Bay of Booth
Tanqueray Martini-o!

"All hands on deck!" comes the cry,
As gale force winds shred the sky,
But we stay dry 'cause we're so high
Tanqueray Martini-o!(CHO)

Them Camden girls sure look fine,
Rigged loose up front and snug behind,
With a quarterboard reading Calvin Klein
Tanqueray Martini-o!

Them Portland boys must be seen,
All decked out by L.L. Bean,
But with the first swell they turn quite green
Tanqueray Martini-o!(CHO)

Vast Heavin'!