The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45062   Message #666075
Posted By: The Pooka
10-Mar-02 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
Subject: RE: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
"...Pooker, the notion [that time & space] are distinct might be truer than not, even though we always tie them together. I believe one of them comes from having any viewpoint at all..."

Well, Amor, that one lets ME out, I guess....

"..., while the other comes from believing that persistance is natural to particles..."

Well, Emir, since I read somewheres, The NY Daily News I think it was, that virtual particles & antiparticles spontaneously pop in & out of existence from the Vacuum (postulated to be an Electrolux), I dunno if their Persistance is so Natural after all.

But that's just Nothing. I was referring to the Einsteinian spacetime continuum. Uncle Albert said they were One & the Same. Supposedly Proved it, too. Couldn't Prove it by me; but hey, I'm usually Late and Lost. / Take Now, fer instance. / And *Here*, too -- *Now* that I mention it.