The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45149   Message #666171
Posted By: Mr Red
10-Mar-02 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: CS:Drop of Nelson's Blood - Rum or Brandy
Subject: CS:Drop of Nelson's Blood - Rum or Brand
Not bull shit but maybe Cow FYM (Farm Yard Manure)
But I was watching a TV program on Nelson and an eminent historian state that his body was pickled in brandy. Now the popular myth it was rum. So popular that the SOED CD ROM quote's the explanantion ot Nelson's Blood as navy rum.
So my questions are
1) is this a case of the historian being wrong?
2) a case of Jack Tar not getting a sniff of the brandy so the name stuck on rum instead?
3) both wrong and it was a cask of his own PORT wine which he would no longer be drinking?

I do have a photocopies of his orders to provisions companies listing his provision requirements from the museum in Monmouth which specialises in Nelson. He liked Port wine (sic) and Brandy - but it had to be Armangac and a lot of expensive whotsits like Japan Soy !
And for one who was fighting the French an unpatriotic surprise - Dijon mustard! No wonder the encagement proved hot!