The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45062   Message #666771
Posted By: JulieF
11-Mar-02 - 05:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
Subject: RE: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
I have always disliked the term intution. I know that many people disagree but to me intutition is just the ability to short circuit your thinking process without realising that you do it. When I was younger I had an intutive grasp of maths, which a) made it dificult when it became harder and I had to conciously think about it. and b) made me a rather bad at teaching it to anyone.

If the research discussed holds and can be reproduced, I am prepared to accept that some people have either a genetic or learned abilty to "intutitively" (as defined above)recognise complex patterns, after all the mind still has may mysteries to reveal to us.

All the best Julie