The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45161   Message #667040
Posted By: Amos
11-Mar-02 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD maybe?
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD maybe?
Well, I don't expect, if I open the floodgates to such a project (which i am inclined to do as soon as I can make room) that we will be flooded with candidates, if we stick to say three cuts per person.

And I think the editor, whoever it is, has to have design / editorial authority, providing he does it with grace and a generous spirit. I happen to be world-famous for those. (hahahaha) :>)

Seriously, I think we can count on a fair representation and a minimum of stubbed toes with sufficient communication. I am sure that the process of dialogue could be conducted in a way to satisfy all the crying needs, egos and foibles involved. You're right, this is music and there are egos -- but we are not children, usually! :>) Well...usually. ***bg***