The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1867   Message #6671
Posted By:
12-Jun-97 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Skye Boat Song
Subject: RE: The Skye Boat Song
Here's a slightly different arrangement.



[G] Speed, bonnie boat, like a [D7] bird on the wing

[G] Onward! The [C] sailors [G] cry ---

[G] Carry the lad who was [D7] born to be King

[G] Over the [C] sea to [G] Skye.---

[Em] Loud the winds howl, [Am] loud the waves roar

[Em] Thunder claps [E] rend the [Em] air ---

[G] Baffled, our foes [Am] stand by the shore

[Em] Follow -- they [Am] will not [Em] dare. ---

Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep

Ocean's a royal bed

Rock'd in the deep, Flora will keep ---

Watch by your weary head. (CHORUS)

Burned are our homes, exile and death ---

Scatter the loyal men

Yet ere the sword cool in the sheath

Charlie will come again. (CHORUS)

Note. This song was sung by the followers of Prince Charles who (routed by the Duke of Cumberland) escaped to the Island of Skye - in the Hebrides. - Gene