The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45161   Message #667170
Posted By: Bobert
11-Mar-02 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD maybe?
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD maybe?
I'd like to return to the selection issue. I would like the opportunity to hear everyone who takes the time to makes their music available, irregardless of the degree of polish, instrumentation and gimics. I suggested in Jerry's thread a cut off date for those who want to submit fir the first edition which may require three or perhaps four CD,s over perhaps several months. New Catters who come along will be included in a second edition which again may require more than one CD, but most likely would have fewer contributors. As for the selection from the contributors of the first edition, I would favor some type of random selection for the disc #1, #2, ect. but some manipulation of order within each disc so that there is some level of continuity. I would think at some point in time after maybe two complete editions have been circulated, a "Best Of" CD could be put together, perhaps with a little gloss that could perhaps be offered to the public and sold at events.